Honk!fest '12

Honkfest is one of the best things Boston (technically Somerville) has to offer. I've been going for the past five years, and it never disappoints. The rules are: take someone new to initiate and blow their minds, and spend as much time as possible dancing in the streets with utter, unfettered abandon. Check and check. This year, it literally rained on our parade, but that didn't keep us from skanking down Elm st in the middle of the night, the brass horns and raucous, costumed crowd twirling and stilt-walking their way into the hearts (and ears) of Slummerville residents and visitors alike. How does one join a street marching band anyway? Should I invest in a squeezebox and some vaudevillian attire? Yes.
Pics from fellow Honk! attendees, c/o #honkfest on instagram: